Секс-куклы для извращенцев (5 фото)

Кажется, наш мир окончательно сошел с ума, если некоторым людям нужно нечто подобное. Перед вами самые настоящие секс-куклы, которые выполнены в образе детей и подростков. Куклы были изъяты австралийской таможней и уничтожены. Создал их некто Шин Такаги (Shin Takagi), возомнивший себя спасителем детей. Дизайнер создавал своих кукол специально для педофилов, однако теперь у него начались серьезные проблемы с законом, и ему грозит штраф до 450 000 долларов или лишение свободы сроком на 10 лет или и то и другое.

Customs is cracking down on shipments of life-like child sex dolls that paedophiles are importing into Australia.  Border force officials have seized 18 consignments of child sex dolls sent from overseas since 2013.
Customs is cracking down on shipments of life-like child sex dolls that paedophiles are importing into Australia. Border force officials have seized 18 consignments of child sex dolls sent from overseas since 2013.
Customs is cracking down on shipments of life-like child sex dolls that paedophiles are importing into Australia.  Border force officials have seized 18 consignments of child sex dolls sent from overseas since 2013.
Customs is cracking down on shipments of life-like child sex dolls that paedophiles are importing into Australia. Border force officials have seized 18 consignments of child sex dolls sent from overseas since 2013.
Customs is cracking down on shipments of life-like child sex dolls that paedophiles are importing into Australia.  Border force officials have seized 18 consignments of child sex dolls sent from overseas since 2013.
Customs is cracking down on shipments of life-like child sex dolls that paedophiles are importing into Australia. Border force officials have seized 18 consignments of child sex dolls sent from overseas since 2013.
Customs is cracking down on shipments of life-like child sex dolls that paedophiles are importing into Australia.  Border force officials have seized 18 consignments of child sex dolls sent from overseas since 2013.
Customs is cracking down on shipments of life-like child sex dolls that paedophiles are importing into Australia. Border force officials have seized 18 consignments of child sex dolls sent from overseas since 2013.
Customs is cracking down on shipments of life-like child sex dolls that paedophiles are importing into Australia.  Border force officials have seized 18 consignments of child sex dolls sent from overseas since 2013.
Customs is cracking down on shipments of life-like child sex dolls that paedophiles are importing into Australia. Border force officials have seized 18 consignments of child sex dolls sent from overseas since 2013.

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